Columbo carries one
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Columbo carries one"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
BADGEColumbo carries one
TECColumbo, for one
CROONERColumbo was one
CROONERRuss Columbo was one
TOTEROne who carries
PORTEROne who carries baggage
SHIELDCaptain America carries one
BADGEA sheriff carries one
AURAA celebrity carries one
PARASOLQueen Mary carries one.
RANTEROne who carries on
SCYTHEFather Time carries one
phlebotomistone who carries out phlebotomies
ballcarrierone who carries a ball
macebearerone who carries a mace
ovariotomistone who carries out ovariotomies
cruciferone who carries a cross
torchbearerone that carries a torch
swordbearerone who carries a sword
immunoassayistone who carries out immunoassays
WELDEROne who carries a torch?
COMBA rooster always carries one
CLUBBamm-Bamm often carries one
EPEEWhat one carries for parries
macebearersMACEBEARER, one who carries a mace
swordbearersSWORDBEARER, one who carries a sword
torchbearersTORCHBEARER, one that carries a torch
immunoassayistsIMMUNOASSAYIST, one who carries out immunoassays
stripteaserone who carries out a striptease
vendettistone who carries on a vendetta
inquisitionistone who carries out an inquisition
autopsistone who carries out an autopsy
ATLASOne who carries a great burden.
phlebotomistsPHLEBOTOMIST, one who carries out phlebotomies
AXEThe king of diamonds carries one
ballcarriersBALLCARRIER, one who carries a ball
crucifersCRUCIFER, one who carries a cross
ovariotomistsOVARIOTOMIST, one who carries out ovariotomies
inquisitionistsINQUISITIONIST, one who carries out an inquisition
vendettistsVENDETTIST, one who carries on a vendetta