Answer | Crossword Clue |
KODAKADOK | Commercial green light for George Eastman? |
absinths | green liqueur which is flavored with wormwood, anise, and other aromatic herbs and commercial production of which is banned in many countries for health concerns |
IDLE | Wait for the green light |
OKAY | Give the green light for |
CANI | Request for a green light |
SISENOR | Green light for un hombre |
RENEW | Green-light for another season |
IDLES | Waits for the green light |
IDLED | Waited for the green light |
PERMISSION | Green light for each assignment (10) |
IDLED | Waited for the light to turn green |
chlorophyll | A green pigment, present in all green plants and in cyanobacteria, responsible for the absorption of light to provide energy for photosynthesis. Its molecule contains a magnesium atom held in a porphyrin ring |