Depriving of authority
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 34 answers to crossword clue "Depriving of authority"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
DIVESTINGDepriving of authority.
UNMANNINGDepriving of virility
dispurveyance(Spenser) depriving of provisions
deprivementthe act of depriving
deprivementsDEPRIVEMENT, the act of depriving
dispurveyancesDISPURVEYANCE, (Spenser) depriving of provisions
deprivalthe act of depriving (to dispossess)
numbingDepriving one of feeling or responsiveness
defiliationdepriving a parent of a child
suffocateto kill by depriving of air
defiliationsDEFILIATION, depriving a parent of a child
stiflersto kill by depriving of oxygen suffocate
disgradationthe act of disgrading, depriving of rank
asphyxiateKill (someone) by depriving them of air
privationthe act of depriving, or taking away
suffocatedSUFFOCATE, to kill by depriving of air
asphyxiatesKill (someone) by depriving them of air
asphyxiatingKill (someone) by depriving them of air
asphyxiatedKill (someone) by depriving them of air
stiflerto kill by depriving of oxygen suffocate
suffocatesSUFFOCATE, to kill by depriving of air
deprivalsDEPRIVAL, the act of depriving (to dispossess)
blanchWhiten (a plant) by depriving it of light
blanchingWhiten (a plant) by depriving it of light
privationsPRIVATION, the act of depriving, or taking away
disgradationsDISGRADATION, the act of disgrading, depriving of rank
blanchedWhiten (a plant) by depriving it of light
expulsionsThe action of depriving someone of membership in an organization
deprivationThe action of depriving someone of office, esp. an ecclesiastical office
starvingcause to capitulate by or as if by depriving of nourishment
deprivationsThe action of depriving someone of office, esp. an ecclesiastical office
excommunicationan ecclesiastical censure depriving a person of the rights of church membership
chokingRetard the growth of or kill (a plant) by depriving it of light, air, or nourishment
eutrophic(of a lake or other body of water) Rich in nutrients and so supporting a dense plant population, the decomposition of which kills animal life by depriving it of oxygen