Eager or wowed
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Eager or wowed"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
AGOGEager or wowed
AMAZEDShocked or wowed
AGOGEager or awed
fierceeager or intense
fiercesteager or intense
KEENEager or enthusiastic
raringvery eager or anxious
hottestPassionately enthusiastic, eager, or excited
spoilingBe extremely or aggressively eager for
curiouserEager to know or learn something
combativeReady or eager to fight; pugnacious
solicitousEager or anxious to do something
curiousestEager to know or learn something
emulouseager to equal or surpass another
enthusiasmIntense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
warpathsAngry and ready or eager for confrontation
warpathAngry and ready or eager for confrontation
emulouslyEMULOUS, eager to equal or surpass another
enthusiasmsIntense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
willingReady, eager, or prepared to do something
readiestEager, inclined, or willing to do something
pugnaciousEager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight
keennessThe quality of being eager or enthusiastic; eagerness
unwillingNot ready, eager, or prepared to do something
greedykeenly desirous; eager (often fol. by of or for)
snatchedQuickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way
snatchesQuickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way
antto be impatient or eager to act or speak
snatchingQuickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way
greedierkeenly desirous; eager (often fol. by of or for)
enthusiasticHaving or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
cupidityeager or excessive desire, especially to possess something; greed; avarice.
drinkingWatch or listen to something with eager pleasure or interest
unadventurousNot offering, involving, or eager for new or stimulating things
anxiousearnestly desirous; eager (usually fol. by an infinitive or for)
incurious(of a person or their manner) Not eager to know something; lacking curiosity
bearfully prepared and eager to initiate or deal with a fight, confrontation, or trouble
quidnuncperson who is eager to know the latest news and gossip; gossip or busybody
scramblingStruggle or compete with others for something in an eager or uncontrolled and undignified way
smackingPart (one's lips) noisily in eager anticipation or enjoyment of food, drink, or other pleasures