Embryo of an invention
Crossword Clue

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AnswerCrossword Clue
IDEAEmbryo of an invention
IDEAThe embryo of an invention
epimerea part of an embryo
embryogenesisthe production of an embryo
hypoblastthe endoderm of an embryo
embryonicOf or relating to an embryo
epicotylthe stem of an embryo plant
embryogenesesEMBRYOGENESIS, the production of an embryo
merogonythe artificial production of an embryo
embryectomythe surgical removal of an embryo
embryoticof or pertaining to an embryo
epimeresEPIMERE, a part of an embryo
EPIBLASTSOuter layers of cells of an embryo
mesodermthe middle germ layer of an embryo
merogoniesMEROGONY, the artificial production of an embryo
embryogenythe production and development of an embryo
embryogenesisThe formation and development of an embryo
embryectomiesEMBRYECTOMY, the surgical removal of an embryo
epicotylsEPICOTYL, the stem of an embryo plant
embryoida mass of tissue that resembles an embryo
embryonicof or like an embryo also EMBRYONAL, EMBRYOTIC
embryonalof or like an embryo also EMBRYONIC, EMBRYOTIC
embryogeniesEMBRYOGENY, the production and development of an embryo
mesodermsMESODERM, the middle germ layer of an embryo
epiblastthe external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EXODERM
mesoblastThe mesoderm of an embryo in its earliest stages
exodermthe external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EPIBLAST
ectodermthe external layer of an embryo, also EPIBLAST, EXODERM
embryoidsEMBRYOID, a mass of tissue that resembles an embryo
embryonicallyEMBRYONIC, of or like an embryo also EMBRYONAL, EMBRYOTIC
androgenesisthe development of an embryo containing only paternal chromosomes
mesoblastsThe mesoderm of an embryo in its earliest stages
preimplantationof, involving, or being an embryo before uterine implantation
plumulesThe rudimentary shoot or stem of an embryo plant
teratogensAn agent or factor that causes malformation of an embryo
radicleslower part of the axis of an embryo; primary root
epiblastsEPIBLAST, the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EXODERM
nucellusThe central part of an ovule, containing the embryo sac
exodermsEXODERM, the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EPIBLAST
blastodiscthe embryo-forming portion of an egg with discoid cleavage