Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Enlargement"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
INSETMap enlargement
ampliationenlargement; amplification
BLOATExcessive enlargement
NODEAbnormal enlargement
INSETIllustrator's enlargement
INSETAtlas enlargement
INSETEnlargement, maybe
INCREnlargement: Abbr.
BLOWUPPhoto enlargement
GELBreast enlargement material
ampliationsAMPLIATION, enlargement; amplification
nodea swollen enlargement
INSETAtlas enlargement, often
nodesNODE, a swollen enlargement
hepatomegalyenlargement of the liver
goitersenlargement of the thyroid gland
spavinsexcrescence or enlargement so formed
hepatomegaliesHEPATOMEGALY, enlargement of the liver
splenomegalyAbnormal enlargement of the spleen
spavinexcrescence or enlargement so formed
elephantiasisenlargement and thickening of tissues
goiterenlargement of the thyroid gland
adenopathyenlargement of the lymph nodes
hepatomegalyAbnormal enlargement of the liver
splenomegalyabnormal enlargement of the spleen
elephantiasesELEPHANTIASIS, enlargement and thickening of tissues
lymphadenopathyabnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes
adenopathiesADENOPATHY, enlargement of the lymph nodes
nodulea small node (a swollen enlargement)
splenomegaliesSPLENOMEGALY, abnormal enlargement of the spleen
nodulesNODULE, a small node (a swollen enlargement)
adenosisabnormal development or enlargement of glandular tissue
enlargementsENLARGEMENT, an act or instance of enlarging
goiteran enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITRE
goitrean enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITER
goitersGOITER, an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITRE
goitresGOITRE, an enlargement of the thyroid gland, also GOITER
gynaecomastiathe abnormal enlargement of a man's breast also GYNAECOMASTY, GYNECOMASTIA