Ford or Grey
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Ford or Grey"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
LITAFord or Grey
LITASFord and Grey Chaplin
JOELGrey or McCrea
JENNIFERLopez or Grey
JOELSilver or Grey
NANActress Martin or Grey
TEAEarl or Lady Grey
TEAOolong or Earl Grey
NANActress Grey or Martin
TEAPekoe or Earl Grey
TEADarjeeling or Earl Grey
LADYAstor or Jane Grey
STEELYHard cold or grey
TEAEarl Grey or Darjeeling
WRITERBrown, Grey or Steel
canescenthoary; tending to become white or grey
fahlerza grey or black copper ore; tennantite
roanan animal with a coat sprinkled with white or grey
isabellinea dingy yellowish-grey or drab colour also ISABEL, ISABELLA
isabellinesISABELLINE, a dingy yellowish-grey or drab colour also ISABEL, ISABELLA
roansROAN, an animal with a coat sprinkled with white or grey
diallagicrelating to diallage, a brown, green or grey form of augite
pyrolusitenative manganese dioxide, a black or dark-grey tetragonal mineral with a metallic lustre
diallagoidof or like diallage, a mineral, a brown, green or grey form of augite
pyrolusitesPYROLUSITE, native manganese dioxide, a black or dark-grey tetragonal mineral with a metallic lustre
astrachana closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs also ASTRAKHAN
astrakhana closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs also ASTRACHAN
solonchak(Russian) a pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions
astrakhansASTRAKHAN, a closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs also ASTRACHAN
solonchaksSOLONCHAK, (Russian) a pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions
tephroitean orthorhombic manganese silicate of the olivine group which forms ashy grey or reddish crystalline masses
astrachansASTRACHAN, a closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs also ASTRAKHAN
tephroitesTEPHROITE, an orthorhombic manganese silicate of the olivine group which forms ashy grey or reddish crystalline masses
osmiridiuma very hard corrosion-resistant white or grey natural alloy of osmium and iridium also IRIDOSMINE, IRIDOSMIUM
iridosminea very hard corrosion-resistant white or grey natural alloy of osmium and iridium also IRIDOSMIUM, OSMIRIDIUM
iridosminesIRIDOSMINE, a very hard corrosion-resistant white or grey natural alloy of osmium and iridium also IRIDOSMIUM, OSMIRIDIUM
osmiridiumsOSMIRIDIUM, a very hard corrosion-resistant white or grey natural alloy of osmium and iridium also IRIDOSMINE, IRIDOSMIUM
grossulara garnet containing calcium and aluminium, occurring in grey, pinkish, or yellow-green crystals and used as a gemstone
grossularsGROSSULAR, a garnet containing calcium and aluminium, occurring in grey, pinkish, or yellow-green crystals and used as a gemstone
taramasalata(Modern Greek) a fish pâté made from the roe of the grey mullet or from smoked cod's roe, mixed with garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, etc