Help in climbing
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Help in climbing"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
SHERPAHelp in climbing
CLIFFSNOTESCrash courses in climbing?
ICEAXTool used in mountain climbing
ARSONCrime climbing in our time
NITOClimbing fern used in basketry
BELAYSecure a rope, in climbing
ELTONMr. ..., social-climbing vicar in "Emma"
GLISSADEIntentional slide in snow, in climbing.
ICEAXEAid in climbing a snowy peak
MBAAsset in climbing the corp. ladder
SHINNYINGClimbing a rope, in a way
MBAAid in climbing the corp. ladder
VETCHClimbing plant in the pea family
LLOYDBuilding-climbing Harold in 1923's "Safety Last"
pitona metal spike used in mountain climbing
climberone that climbs or helps in climbing
KJSKOne involved in craggy rock-climbing melee (4)
pitonsPITON, a metal spike used in mountain climbing
toeholda space that fits a toe in climbing
cragsmenperson accustomed to or skilled in climbing crags
outclimbto surpass in climbing (to ascend (to rise))
deadmanan anchor for securing a rope in mountain climbing
toeholdsTOEHOLD, a space that fits a toe in climbing
outclimbsOUTCLIMB, to surpass in climbing (to ascend (to rise))
outclimbedOUTCLIMB, to surpass in climbing (to ascend (to rise))
alpinistmountain climbing in the Alps or other high mountains
cragsmanone who is expert in climbing crags or cliffs
outclimbingOUTCLIMB, to surpass in climbing (to ascend (to rise))
deadmenDEADMAN, an anchor for securing a rope in mountain climbing
outclombto surpass or outdo in climbing; climb higher or better than
toeholdsa hold or place of support for the toes (as in climbing)
alpenstock(German) a long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps
deadboya small deadman (an anchor for securing a rope in mountain climbing)
TRYHARDSThose who put a lot of effort into social climbing, in modern lingo
alpenstocksALPENSTOCK, (German) a long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps
deadboysDEADBOY, a small deadman (an anchor for securing a rope in mountain climbing)
boulderingClimbing on large boulders, either for practice or as a sport in its own right
chandelleA steep climbing turn executed in an aircraft to gain height while changing the direction of flight
chandellesA steep climbing turn executed in an aircraft to gain height while changing the direction of flight
stopper(in sailing or climbing) A rope or clamp for preventing a rope or cable from running out