In two parts prefix
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 37 answers to crossword clue "In two parts prefix"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
DICHOIn two parts (prefix)
ATWOIn two parts.
DUALIn two parts
ADUEIn two parts, musically
ADUEIn two parts musically
HENRYIVShakespearean play in two parts
SAMUELBiblical book in two parts
BISECTEDCut in two equal parts
duplexesSomething having two parts, in particular
halfin or into two parts; in half
bipartitebeing in two parts eg of a document
bipartitelyBIPARTITE, being in two parts eg of a document
distichous(of parts) Arranged alternately in two opposite vertical rows
doubled(of an actor) Play (two parts) in the same piece
isometryequal growth rates in two parts of a developing organism
cheeksEither of two side pieces or parts in a structure
connectorsA device for keeping two parts of an electric circuit in contact
connectorA device for keeping two parts of an electric circuit in contact
kingpinpin connecting the two parts of a knuckle joint (as in an automobile steering linkage)
portmanteau(French) a case opening in two parts, used for carrying clothes while traveling also PORTMANTLE, PORTMANTUA
portmanteauxPORTMANTEAU, (French) a case opening in two parts, used for carrying clothes while traveling also PORTMANTLE, PORTMANTUA
hemispheresEach of the two parts of the cerebrum (left and right) in the brain of a vertebrate
polyphonic(esp. of vocal music) In two or more parts, each having a melody of its own; contrapuntal
hemisphereEach of the two parts of the cerebrum (left and right) in the brain of a vertebrate
portmanteausPORTMANTEAU, (French) a case opening in two parts, used for carrying clothes while traveling also PORTMANTLE, PORTMANTUA
consecutiveDenoting intervals of the same kind (esp. fifths or octaves) occurring in succession between two parts or voices
landausfour-wheeled, two-seated carriage with a top made in two parts that may be let down or folded back
landaufour-wheeled, two-seated carriage with a top made in two parts that may be let down or folded back
autogamyconjugation in an individual organism by division of its nucleus into two parts that in turn reunite to form a zygote
morgens(in the Netherlands, South Africa, and parts of the US) A measure of land equal to about 0.8 hectare or two acres
fuguea musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and contrapuntally developed in a continuous interweaving of the voice parts
fuguista musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and contrapuntally developed in a continuous interweaving of the voice parts
fugueda musical composition in which one or two themes are repeated or imitated by successively entering voices and contrapuntally developed in a continuous interweaving of the voice parts
fuguepolyphonic composition based upon one, two, or more themes, which are enunciated by several voices or parts in turn, subjected to contrapuntal treatment, and gradually built up into a complex form having somewhat distinct divisions or stages of developmen
fuguespolyphonic composition based upon one, two, or more themes, which are enunciated by several voices or parts in turn, subjected to contrapuntal treatment, and gradually built up into a complex form having somewhat distinct divisions or stages of developmen
hurling(in parts of Britain, esp. Cornwall) a traditional, rural game in which two groups of players, using methods similar to those of football, vie for possession of a ball or other object and try to carry or hurl it into their own parish, village, farm, etc.
jaweither of two complex cartilaginous or bony structures in most vertebrates that border the mouth, support the soft parts enclosing it, usually bear teeth on their oral margin, and are an upper that is more or less firmly fused with the skull and a lower that is hinged, movable, and articulated with the temporal bone of either side compare mandible maxilla