Kind of magnetism
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ANIMALKind of magnetism
ANIMALKind of husbandry or magnetism
ferromagnetic(of a body or substance) Having a high susceptibility to magnetization, the strength of which depends on that of the applied magnetizing field, and that may persist after removal of the applied field. This is the kind of magnetism displayed by iron and is associated with parallel magnetic alignment of neighboring atoms
EMSEnds of magnetism?
EMSExtremes of magnetism?
GAUSSUnit of magnetism
ANIMALType of cracker or magnetism
magnetismsMAGNETISM, the state of being magnetic
geomagneticof or relating to terrestrial magnetism
kilogaussa unit of magnetism, 1000 gauss
geomagneticallyGEOMAGNETIC, of or relating to terrestrial magnetism
kilogaussesKILOGAUSS, a unit of magnetism, 1000 gauss
diamagnetismthe form of magnetism possessed by diamagnetic bodies
magneticHaving the properties of a magnet; exhibiting magnetism
diamagnetismsDIAMAGNETISM, the form of magnetism possessed by diamagnetic bodies
magnetics(used with a sing. v.) the science of magnetism
pyromagneticof or concerned with the relationship between heat and magnetism
remanent(of magnetism) Remaining after the magnetizing field has been removed
paleomagnetism(Geol.) study of the Earth's past magnetism as it is recorded in the rocks
paleomagnetismsPALEOMAGNETISM, (Geol.) study of the Earth's past magnetism as it is recorded in the rocks
piezomagnetismmagnetism developed in a similar way to piezoelectricity, using a magnetic instead of an electric field
piezomagnetismsPIEZOMAGNETISM, magnetism developed in a similar way to piezoelectricity, using a magnetic instead of an electric field
palaeomagnetisma study of the magnetism of ancient rocks and fossils, and of bricks, pottery, etc made in past ages
paramagnetic(of a substance or body) Very weakly attracted by the poles of a magnet, but not retaining any permanent magnetism
depermto reduce the permanent magnetism of (a vessel) by wrapping an electric cable around it vertically athwartships and energizing the cable
depermingto reduce the permanent magnetism of (a vessel) by wrapping an electric cable around it vertically athwartships and energizing the cable
ferromagneticof or relating to substances with an abnormally high magnetic permeability, a definite saturation point, and appreciable residual magnetism and hysteresis
paleomagnetismThe branch of geophysics concerned with the magnetism in rocks that was induced by the earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation
magnetsA piece of iron (or an ore, alloy, or other material) that has its component atoms so ordered that the material exhibits properties of magnetism, such as attracting other iron-containing objects or aligning itself in an external magnetic field
physicsThe branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics, distinguished from that of chemistry and biology, includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms