Mineral that chips or flakes
Crossword Clue

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SPARMineral that chips or flakes.
biotitesvery common mineral of the mica group, occurring in black, dark-brown, or dark-green sheets and flakes: an important constituent of igneous and metamorphic rocks
biotitevery common mineral of the mica group, occurring in black, dark-brown, or dark-green sheets and flakes: an important constituent of igneous and metamorphic rocks
chippersA person or thing that turns something into chips
stonerone that stones (to pelt with pieces or mineral matter)
stonersSTONER, one that stones (to pelt with pieces or mineral matter)
kaoliniteA white or gray clay mineral that is the chief constituent of kaolin
dysodila yellow or green mineral that is a form of bitumen and is present in limestone
paragenesisA set of minerals that were formed together, esp. in a rock, or with a specified mineral
paragenesesA set of minerals that were formed together, esp. in a rock, or with a specified mineral
seltzertap water that has been commercially filtered, carbonated, and bottled with no addition of minerals or mineral salts
seltzerstap water that has been commercially filtered, carbonated, and bottled with no addition of minerals or mineral salts
footwallsThe block of rock that lies on the underside of an inclined fault or of a mineral deposit
augitesa usually black or dark green mineral that consists of aluminous pyroxene and is found especially in igneous rocks
augitea usually black or dark green mineral that consists of aluminous pyroxene and is found especially in igneous rocks
tinstonebrown or black mineral, tin dioxide, SnO2, that crystallizes in the tetragonal system; tinstone: the principal ore of tin
wolframiteA black or brown mineral that is the chief ore of tungsten. It consists of a tungstate of iron and manganese
stibnitea mineral that consists of the trisulfide of antimony and occurs in orthorhombic lead-gray crystals of metallic luster or in massive form
rutilea reddish-brown to black mineral that consists of titanium dioxide usually with a little iron and has a brilliant metallic or adamantine luster
anhedralnoting or pertaining to a mineral grain that does not have its characteristic crystalline form but has a form impressed on it by surrounding grains; anhedral
monazitesa yellow to red or brown mineral that is a phosphate of thorium and various rare earth elements and occurs especially in sand and gravel deposits
euclasea mineral that consists of a brittle silicate of beryllium and aluminum in pale yellow, green, or blue prismatic crystals and is used especially as a gemstone
analcimea white or slightly colored mineral that consists of hydrated silicate of sodium and aluminum and occurs in various igneous rocks in massive form or in crystals
sodalitea transparent to translucent mineral that consists of a silicate of sodium and aluminum with some chlorine, has a vitreous or greasy luster, and is found in various igneous rocks
fluoritesa transparent or translucent mineral of different colors that consists of the fluoride of calcium and is used especially as a steelmaking flux and in the making of opalescent and opaque glasses
tourmalineA brittle gray or black mineral that occurs as prismatic crystals in granitic and other rocks. It consists of a boron aluminosilicate and has pyroelectric and polarizing properties, and is used in electrical and optical instruments and as a gemstone
tourmalinesA brittle gray or black mineral that occurs as prismatic crystals in granitic and other rocks. It consists of a boron aluminosilicate and has pyroelectric and polarizing properties, and is used in electrical and optical instruments and as a gemstone
boraxa white crystalline compound that consists of a hydrated sodium borate Na2B4O7À10H2O, that occurs as a mineral or is prepared from other minerals, and that is used especially as a flux, cleansing agent, and water softener, as a preservative, and as a fireproofing agent
beryla mineral consisting of a silicate of beryllium and aluminum of great hardness that occurs in colorless hexagonal prisms when pure and in various colors (as green, blue, yellow, or pink) when not pure, that is valued as a source of gems, and that is the principal source of beryllium