NASARD an organ stop
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "NASARD an organ stop"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
nasardsNASARD, an organ stop
OBOEAn organ stop.
OBOEAn organ stop
DIAPASONAn organ stop
ORAGEAn organ stop.
nasardan organ stop
VOX... humana, an organ stop.
bombardonAn organ stop imitating this
bombardonsAn organ stop imitating this
sesquialtera mixture stop on an organ
pyramidonan organ-stop with pipes like inverted pyramids
pyramidonsPYRAMIDON, an organ-stop with pipes like inverted pyramids
montresan organ stop that has its pipes on display.
dulcetorgan stop resembling the dulciana but an octave higher
montrean organ stop that has its pipes on display.
dulcetsorgan stop resembling the dulciana but an octave higher
clarabellaan organ stop having a sweet fluty tone also CLARIBELLA
waldflute(German) an organ flute stop of 4 feet in length
trombonesAn organ stop with the quality of such an instrument
subbassa pedal stop producing the lowest tones of an organ
claribellaan organ stop having a sweet fluty tone also CLARABELLA
dulcianasAn organ stop, typically with small conical open metal pipes
subbassesSUBBASS, a pedal stop producing the lowest tones of an organ
clarinetsAn organ stop with a tone resembling that of a clarinet
claribellasCLARIBELLA, an organ stop having a sweet fluty tone also CLARABELLA
clarabellasCLARABELLA, an organ stop having a sweet fluty tone also CLARIBELLA
waldflutesWALDFLUTE, (German) an organ flute stop of 4 feet in length
trumpetsAn organ reed stop with a quality resembling that of a trumpet
salicionalan organ stop with a tone like that of a willow pipe also SALICET
diapasonsAn organ stop sounding a main register of flue pipes, typically of eight-foot pitch
fifteenthAn organ stop sounding a register of pipes two octaves (fifteen notes) above the diapason
fifteenthsAn organ stop sounding a register of pipes two octaves (fifteen notes) above the diapason
salicionalsSALICIONAL, an organ stop with a tone like that of a willow pipe also SALICET
superoctavean organ coupler giving an octave higher; an organ stop two octaves above the basic pitch
reedstopan organ stop that is made up of or that controls a rank of reed pipes
principalsAn organ stop sounding a main register of open flue pipes typically an octave above the diapason
reedstopsREEDSTOP, an organ stop that is made up of or that controls a rank of reed pipes
superoctavesSUPEROCTAVE, an organ coupler giving an octave higher; an organ stop two octaves above the basic pitch
sesquialteraa perfect fifth; three notes against two; an organ stop giving the root, the twelfth and the tierce
sesquialterasSESQUIALTERA, a perfect fifth; three notes against two; an organ stop giving the root, the twelfth and the tierce