Not bent
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 34 answers to crossword clue "Not bent"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
ERECTNot bent
stifferSTIFF, not easily bent
stiltystiff (not easily bent)
stifflySTIFF, not easily bent
stiffestSTIFF, not easily bent
rigidlyRIGID, stiff (not easily bent)
stiltierSTILTY, stiff (not easily bent)
rigidestRIGID, stiff (not easily bent)
hardsetrigid (stiff (not easily bent))
rigiderRIGID, stiff (not easily bent)
stiltiestSTILTY, stiff (not easily bent)
CALMNot all bent out of shape
inflexibleNot able to be bent; stiff
stiffento make stiff (not easily bent)
stiffensSTIFFEN, to make stiff (not easily bent)
stiffeningSTIFFEN, to make stiff (not easily bent)
stiffenedSTIFFEN, to make stiff (not easily bent)
stifferNot easily bent or changed in shape; rigid
buckramto stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent))
stiffto cheat by not paying / not easily bent
stiffestNot easily bent or changed in shape; rigid
rigidone who is unyielding / stiff (not easily bent)
buckramedBUCKRAM, to stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent))
starkingSTARK, to stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent))
rigiditythe state of being rigid (stiff (not easily bent))
starkedSTARK, to stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent))
buckramingBUCKRAM, to stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent))
starksSTARK, to stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent))
buckramsBUCKRAM, to stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent))
rigiditiesRIGIDITY, the state of being rigid (stiff (not easily bent))
straightsA form or position that is not curved or bent
starkto stiffen (to make stiff (not easily bent)) / harsh in appearance
straightsA part of something that is not curved or bent, esp. the concluding stretch of a racetrack
hogging(with reference to a ship) Bend or become bent convex upward along its length as a result either of the hull being supported in the middle and not at the ends (as in a heavy sea) or the vessel's being loaded more heavily at the ends