Of the lungs Prefix
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PNEUMOOf the lungs: Prefix
PNEUMONIAAffliction of the lungs
pneumoniainflammation of the lungs
pneumonitisinflammation of the lungs
ALVEOLAROf the lungs' air cells
LOBAROf part of the lungs
pneumoniaa disease of the lungs
pneumonitisesPNEUMONITIS, inflammation of the lungs
LOBARAt the tip of one's lungs?
LOBAROf a part of the lungs
pneumoniasPNEUMONIA, a disease of the lungs
pulmonaryOf or relating to the lungs
exhalationsAn expiration of air from the lungs
phthisisa disease of the lungs, also PHTHISIC
phthisica disease of the lungs, also PHTHISIS
lightsthe lungs especially of a slaughtered animal
alveolitisinflammation of the alveoli in the lungs
exhalationAn expiration of air from the lungs
lightthe lungs, esp. of sheep, pigs, etc.
DEFINEINSPIRATIONSay 'the drawing of air into the lungs'?
cardiopulmonaryof or relating to the heart and lungs
alveolitisesALVEOLITIS, inflammation of the alveoli in the lungs
chestiestHaving a lot of mucus in the lungs
pulmonaryof or pertaining to the lungs also PULMONIC
phthisicsPHTHISIC, a disease of the lungs, also PHTHISIS
phthisesPHTHISIS, a disease of the lungs, also PHTHISIC
cardiopulmonaryOf or relating to the heart and the lungs
expiratorypertaining to the expiration of air from the lungs
inspirablecapable of being inspired or drawn into the lungs
breathsAn inhalation or exhalation of air from the lungs
spirometersAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
haemoptysisthe spitting or coughing up of blood from the lungs
respirometerAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
lobarof or pertaining to a lobe, as of the lungs
spirometerAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
respirometersAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
ventilationThe supply of air to the lungs, esp. by artificial means
haemoptysesHAEMOPTYSIS, the spitting or coughing up of blood from the lungs
expiratoryOf or relating to the exhalation of air from the lungs
coughingForce (something, esp. blood) out of the lungs or throat by coughing