PAROL an utterance
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parolsPAROL, an utterance
parolan utterance
RESPOKEMade an additional utterance
MOOUtterance from an uddered one
locutionaryof or relating to an utterance
prosodythe stress and intonation patterns of an utterance
prosodicthe stress and intonation patterns of an utterance
ciaoused conventionally as an utterance at meeting or parting
hunhused to ask for a repetition of an utterance
oracular(of an utterance, advice, etc.) Hard to interpret; enigmatic
ai(used as an utterance of pity, pain, anguish, etc.)
dictationsAn utterance that is typed, written down, or recorded
dictationAn utterance that is typed, written down, or recorded
huskily(of a voice, an utterance, etc) slightly hoarse or rasping
interruptionAn act, utterance, or period that interrupts someone or something
interruptionsAn act, utterance, or period that interrupts someone or something
prolationan utterance; the time-ratio of a semibreve to a minim
prolationsPROLATION, an utterance; the time-ratio of a semibreve to a minim
jestan utterance (as a jeer or quip) intended to be taken as mockery or humor
perseverateRepeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased
perseveratedRepeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased
perseveratesRepeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased
perseveratingRepeat or prolong an action, thought, or utterance after the stimulus that prompted it has ceased
aha(used as an exclamation of triumph, mockery, contempt, irony, surprise, etc., according to the manner of utterance)
fillerA word or sound filling a pause in an utterance or conversation (e.g., er, well, you know)
fillersA word or sound filling a pause in an utterance or conversation (e.g., er, well, you know)
contoursA way in which something varies, esp. the pitch of music or the pattern of tones in an utterance
ahem(an utterance similar to the sound of clearing one's throat, used to attract attention, express doubt or a mild warning, etc.)
suprasegmentalof or relating to significant features (as stress, pitch, or juncture) that occur simultaneously with vowels and consonants in an utterance
performativeRelating to or denoting an utterance by means of which the speaker performs a particular act (e.g., I bet, I apologize, I promise)
tokenedan individual instance: if the same sentence has different truth-values on different occasions of utterance the truth-value may be said to attach to the sentence-token
thanksexpression of gratitude return thanks before the meal often used in an utterance containing no verb and serving as a courteous and somewhat informal expression of gratitude many thanks