Patted down
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 14 answers to crossword clue "Patted down"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
TAMPEDPatted down
FRISKEDPatted down
FRISKEDPatted down for weapons
DABBEDPatted gently
GOODDOGPatted pooch, perhaps
BURPEDPatted a baby, maybe
CANTSAYFORSUREExactly what the agent patted?
TALCIt gets patted on the bottom
BURPEDPatted on the back, in a way
TALCIt may be patted on the back
TALCIt might be patted on the back
ITSANYBODYSGUESSWhat the agent thought about what he patted?
BURPEDPatted on the back, as a tot after food