People who tell tall tales
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 12 answers to crossword clue "People who tell tall tales"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
LIARSPeople who tell tall tales
BORESPeople who tell dull tales
LIETell tall tales
tattlerone who tattles (to tell tales)
tattlersTATTLER, one who tattles (to tell tales)
fablerone who fables (to tell fictitious tales)
fablersFABLER, one who fables (to tell fictitious tales)
telltalea tattler (one who tattles (to tell tales))
snitcherone who snitches (to tattle (to tell tales))
telltalesTELLTALE, a tattler (one who tattles (to tell tales))
snitchersSNITCHER, one who snitches (to tattle (to tell tales))