Pollination organs
Crossword Clue

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ANTHERSPollination organs
PISTILPollination part
psychophilypollination by butterflies
malacophilypollination by snails
ornithophilypollination by birds
selfedundergo self-pollination
selfingundergo self-pollination
malacophiliesMALACOPHILY, pollination by snails
anemophilypollination by the wind
psychophiliesPSYCHOPHILY, pollination by butterflies
postpollinationtaking place after pollination
ornithophiliesORNITHOPHILY, pollination by birds
anemophiliesANEMOPHILY, pollination by the wind
myophilypollination of plants by flies
myophiliesMYOPHILY, pollination of plants by flies
myiophilypollination of plants by flies also MYOPHILY
myiophiliesMYIOPHILY, pollination of plants by flies also MYOPHILY
setundergo development usually as a result of pollination
hercogamythe prevention of self-pollination in plants also HERKOGAMY
herkogamythe prevention of self-pollination in plants also HERCOGAMY
herkogamiesHERKOGAMY, the prevention of self-pollination in plants also HERCOGAMY
zoophilicadapted to pollination by animals, esp. those other than insects
hercogamiesHERCOGAMY, the prevention of self-pollination in plants also HERKOGAMY
hercogamousrelated to hercogamy, the prevention of self-pollination in plants
geitonogamypollination of a flower by another flower on the same plant
geitonogamiesGEITONOGAMY, pollination of a flower by another flower on the same plant
autogamypollination of the ovules of a flower by its own pollen; self-fertilization
stigmas(in a flower) The part of a pistil that receives the pollen during pollination
homogamyThe simultaneous ripening of the stamens and pistils of a flower, ensuring self-pollination
geitonogamousrelating to geitonogamy, pollination of a flower by another flower on the same plant
caprifigthe wild fig, Ficus carica, bearing an inedible fruit used in pollination of the edible fig
cleistogamythe production of small flowers which do not open and in which self-pollination occurs also CLISTOGAMY
clistogamythe production of small flowers which do not open and in which self-pollination occurs also CLEISTOGAMY
clistogamiesCLISTOGAMY, the production of small flowers which do not open and in which self-pollination occurs also CLEISTOGAMY
cleistogamiesCLEISTOGAMY, the production of small flowers which do not open and in which self-pollination occurs also CLISTOGAMY
pollinationsPOLLINATION, the process of transferring the pollen from its place of production to the place where the egg cell is produced
honeysucklesA widely distributed climbing shrub with tubular flowers that are typically fragrant and of two colors or shades, opening in the evening for pollination by moths
honeysuckleA widely distributed climbing shrub with tubular flowers that are typically fragrant and of two colors or shades, opening in the evening for pollination by moths
caprificationa method of promoting the pollination of figs by hanging branches of caprifig flowers so that parasitic gall-wasps living on the female flowers can carry pollen to the wild fig
caprificationsCAPRIFICATION, a method of promoting the pollination of figs by hanging branches of caprifig flowers so that parasitic gall-wasps living on the female flowers can carry pollen to the wild fig