Crossword Clue

  • We have found 28 answers to crossword clue "Proximal"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
DISTALNot proximal.
TARSIProximal foot bones
ANEARProximal, to poets
preganglionicproximal to a ganglion
DISTALOpposite of proximal, in anatomy
proximallyPROXIMAL, located near the point of origin
talithe uppermost bone of the proximal row of bones of the tarsus; anklebone
talusesthe uppermost bone of the proximal row of bones of the tarsus; anklebone
talusthe uppermost bone of the proximal row of bones of the tarsus; anklebone
nebenkern(German) a two-stranded helical structure of the proximal tail region of a spermatozoon
nebenkernsNEBENKERN, (German) a two-stranded helical structure of the proximal tail region of a spermatozoon
navicularthe bone at the radial end of the proximal row of the bones of the carpus
lunatesthe second bone from the thumb side of the proximal row of bones of the carpus
navicularsthe bone at the radial end of the proximal row of the bones of the carpus
lunatethe second bone from the thumb side of the proximal row of bones of the carpus
lunatedthe second bone from the thumb side of the proximal row of bones of the carpus
lunatelythe second bone from the thumb side of the proximal row of bones of the carpus
distallysituated away from the point of attachment or origin or a central point especially of the body compare proximal
distalsituated away from the point of attachment or origin or a central point especially of the body compare proximal
femorathe proximal bone of the hind or lower limb that extends from the hip to the knee called also thighbone
tarsusthe bones of the proximal segment of the foot; the bones between the tibia and the metatarsus, contributing to the construction of the ankle joint
tarsithe bones of the proximal segment of the foot; the bones between the tibia and the metatarsus, contributing to the construction of the ankle joint
stasisstagnation in the flow of any of the fluids of the body, as of the blood in an inflamed area or the intestinal contents proximal to an obstruction