Crossword Clue

  • We have found 30 answers to crossword clue "Pulses"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
CLOCKTHEBEATMeasure pulses
BAUDSModem pulses
PINGSSonar pulses
pingera device for producing pulses of sound
sendertransmitter of electric pulses, as in telegraphy
pulsarcelestial object that emits regular pulses of radiation
pingersPINGER, a device for producing pulses of sound
WADTHROBSBankroll pulses like a heart? (trade 1 and 8)
sextuplecharacterized by six beats or pulses to the measure
attolasera high-powered laser capable of producing pulses measured in attoseconds
rhythmpattern of pulses in music resulting from strong and weak beats
attolasersATTOLASER, a high-powered laser capable of producing pulses measured in attoseconds
pulsingModulate (a wave or beam) so that it becomes a series of pulses
kicksortera device which selects and counts of a electrical pulses of a specified amplitude
cutletsA flat croquette of minced meat, nuts, or pulses, typically covered in breadcrumbs and fried
kicksortersKICKSORTER, a device which selects and counts of a electrical pulses of a specified amplitude
scalerelectronic circuit devised to give a single pulse as output after a certain number of input pulses
scalerselectronic circuit devised to give a single pulse as output after a certain number of input pulses
ultrasonographyA technique using echoes of ultrasound pulses to delineate objects or areas of different density in the body
elvesextremely dim, flattened, expanding, reddish glow briefly seen over a thunderstorm, due to electromagnetic pulses from intense lightning
pingersa device for producing pulses of sound (as for marking an underwater site or detecting an underwater object)
pingera device for producing pulses of sound (as for marking an underwater site or detecting an underwater object)
felafelsA Middle Eastern dish of spiced mashed chickpeas or other pulses formed into balls or fritters and deep-fried, usually eaten with or in pita bread
falafelsA Middle Eastern dish of spiced mashed chickpeas or other pulses formed into balls or fritters and deep-fried, usually eaten with or in pita bread
pulsara celestial source of pulsating electromagnetic radiation (as radio waves) characterized by a short relatively constant interval (as .033 second) between pulses that is held to be a rotating neutron star
pulsarsa celestial source of pulsating electromagnetic radiation (as radio waves) characterized by a short relatively constant interval (as .033 second) between pulses that is held to be a rotating neutron star
reflectometersAn instrument for measuring quantities associated with reflection, in particular (also time domain reflectometer) an instrument for locating discontinuities (e.g., faults in electric cables) by detecting and measuring reflected pulses of energy
reflectometerAn instrument for measuring quantities associated with reflection, in particular (also time domain reflectometer) an instrument for locating discontinuities (e.g., faults in electric cables) by detecting and measuring reflected pulses of energy