Revolution period
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 11 answers to crossword clue "Revolution period"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
YEARRevolution period
YEARRevolution period?
ONEYEARRevolution period
YEARPeriod of revolution
HOURPeriod of a revolution?
REIGN... of Terror (French Revolution period)
monthsa measure of time corresponding nearly to the period of the moon's revolution and amounting to approximately 4 weeks or 30 days or 1/12 of a year
minuteman(in the period preceding and during the American Revolution) A member of a class of American militiamen who volunteered to be ready for service at a minute's notice
minutemen(in the period preceding and during the American Revolution) A member of a class of American militiamen who volunteered to be ready for service at a minute's notice
terrorsThe period of the French Revolution between mid 1793 and July 1794 when the ruling Jacobin faction, dominated by Robespierre, ruthlessly executed anyone considered a threat to their regime
synchronous(of a satellite or its orbit) Making or denoting an orbit around the earth or another celestial body in which one revolution is completed in the period taken for the body to rotate about its axis