Serve specially
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Serve specially"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
CATERTOServe specially
ADHOCSpecially formed
CATERTOTreat specially
MADESpecially prepared.
FAVOREDSpecially privileged.
TAILORMADESpecially crafted
FAIRHAIREDSpecially favored
CUSTOMMADESpecially manufactured.
EARMARKTag specially.
CITERefer to specially.
SELSpecially picked: Abbr.
TSLOTSpecially shaped opening.
ARMORPLATESpecially hardened steel.
NEFSpecially-shaped clock
PUREESSpecially prepared foods.
RANGERSpecially trained soldier
CADRESSpecially trained groups
HOTRODSpecially-built speedster
ECOTYPESSpecially adapted subspecies
ADHOCCOMMITTEESpecially appointed group
PIETISTOne specially devout.
CADRESpecially trained group
QUORUMSpecially select body.
PARACHUTISTSpecially trained fighter.
PARATROOPSpecially trained airborne infantry.
SNOWCRABSpecially equipped railroad car
facessurface specially prepared as
PARATROOPSSpecially trained airborne infantry.
facesurface specially prepared as
hunterhorse specially trained for hunting
CADREGroup of specially trained workers
DIETETICLike some specially-prepared foods
ADHOCSpecially formed, as a committee
huntershorse specially trained for hunting
ADHOCLike a specially formed committee
EXEMPTSTreats specially, in a way
ADHOCLike a specially appointed committee
extraordinary(of a meeting) Specially convened
notandumsomething to be specially noted