Set in operation
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 36 answers to crossword clue "Set in operation"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
STARTSet in operation.
STARTSet in operation
TURNONSet in operation
initializesSet to the value or put in the condition appropriate to the start of an operation
initializeSet to the value or put in the condition appropriate to the start of an operation
initializingSet to the value or put in the condition appropriate to the start of an operation
initializedSet to the value or put in the condition appropriate to the start of an operation
presettingSet or adjust (a value that controls the operation of a device) in advance of its use
presetsSet or adjust (a value that controls the operation of a device) in advance of its use
microcodeA very low-level instruction set that is stored permanently in a computer or peripheral controller and controls the operation of the device
constitutionThe basic written set of principles and precedents of federal government in the US, which came into operation in 1789 and has since been modified by twenty-seven amendments
constitutionsThe basic written set of principles and precedents of federal government in the US, which came into operation in 1789 and has since been modified by twenty-seven amendments
servonoting the action of certain mechanisms, as brakes, that are set in operation by other mechanisms but which themselves augment the force of that action by the way in which they operate
servosnoting the action of certain mechanisms, as brakes, that are set in operation by other mechanisms but which themselves augment the force of that action by the way in which they operate
primitivesA simple operation or procedure of a limited set from which complex operations or procedures may be constructed, esp. a simple geometric shape that may be generated in computer graphics by such an operation or procedure
GEAREDSet for operation.
HHOURTime set for launching an operation
HHOURTime when a military operation is set to begin
complementationthe operation of determining the complement of a mathematical set
stepto set about putting something into operation; begin to act
tanyardsarea of a tannery set aside for the operation of tanning vats
tanyardarea of a tannery set aside for the operation of tanning vats
subroutineA set of instructions designed to perform a frequently used operation within a program
subroutinesA set of instructions designed to perform a frequently used operation within a program
identitiesAn element of a set that, if combined with another element by a specified binary operation, leaves that element unchanged
identityAn element of a set that, if combined with another element by a specified binary operation, leaves that element unchanged
quaterniona set or group of four; the operation of changing one vector into another, or the quotient of two vectors
quaternionsQUATERNION, a set or group of four; the operation of changing one vector into another, or the quotient of two vectors
parametersA numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation
parameterA numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation
mappingsAn operation that associates each element of a given set (the domain) with one or more elements of a second set (the range)
mappingAn operation that associates each element of a given set (the domain) with one or more elements of a second set (the range)
simulatorA machine with a similar set of controls designed to provide a realistic imitation of the operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or other complex system, used for training purposes
simulatorsA machine with a similar set of controls designed to provide a realistic imitation of the operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or other complex system, used for training purposes
ringset of mathematical elements that is closed under two binary operations of which the first forms a commutative group with the set and the second is associative over the set and is distributive with respect to the first operation
objectA data construct that provides a description of something that may be used by a computer (such as a processor, a peripheral, a document, or a data set) and defines its status, its method of operation, and how it interacts with other objects