Shout at a soccer game
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 18 answers to crossword clue "Shout at a soccer game"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
GOALShout at a soccer game
GOALSoccer game shout
TWOShout repeated at a basketball game
foosballa table game resembling soccer
SHINBONEIt's guarded in a soccer game
SHINOne guarded in a soccer game
INATIEHow a soccer game might end
foosballsFOOSBALL, a table game resembling soccer
TEAMEither side of a soccer game
soccersSOCCER, a type of ball game
NINETYNumber of minutes in a soccer game
fullbacks(in a game such as soccer or field hockey) A player in a defensive position near the goal
fullback(in a game such as soccer or field hockey) A player in a defensive position near the goal
handballsA team game similar to soccer in which the ball is thrown or hit with the hands rather than kicked
handballA team game similar to soccer in which the ball is thrown or hit with the hands rather than kicked
halfbacksA usually defensive player in a ball game such as soccer or field hockey whose position is between the line or the forward
halfbackA usually defensive player in a ball game such as soccer or field hockey whose position is between the line or the forward
kickballAn informal game combining elements of baseball and soccer, in which an inflated ball is thrown to a person who kicks it and proceeds to run the bases