Situated or occurring behind the peritoneum
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 24 answers to crossword clue "Situated or occurring behind the peritoneum"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
retroperitonealSituated or occurring behind the peritoneum
postnasalsituated or occurring at the back of or behind the nose or nasal cavity
retroperitonealsituated behind the peritoneum
kidneyone of a pair of vertebrate organs situated in the body cavity near the spinal column that excrete waste products of metabolism, in humans are bean-shaped organs about 41/2 inches (111/2 centimeters) long lying behind the peritoneum in a mass of fatty tissue, and consist chiefly of nephrons by which urine is secreted, collected, and discharged into a main cavity whence it is conveyed by the ureter to the bladder
intrathoracicsituated or occurring within the thorax
extracranialsituated or occurring outside the cranium
extrauterinesituated or occurring outside the uterus
intraocularsituated or occurring within the eyeball
extracorporealSituated or occurring outside the body
intrauterinesituated, used, or occurring within the uterus
intraocularlyINTRAOCULAR, situated or occurring within the eyeball
extravascularSituated or occurring outside the vascular system
extranuclearSituated or occurring outside the nucleus of an atom
extragalacticSituated, occurring, or originating outside the Milky Way galaxy
superficialSituated or occurring on the skin or immediately beneath it
underwaterSituated, occurring, or done beneath the surface of the water
intragalacticsituated or occurring within the confines of a single galaxy
intracerebralsituated or occurring within or introduced or administered into the cerebrum
endotrachealSituated or occurring within or performed by way of the trachea
intracardiacsituated or occurring within or introduced or involving entry into the heart
extracellularsituated or occurring outside a cell or the cells of the body
intracerebrallyINTRACEREBRAL, situated or occurring within or introduced or administered into the cerebrum
extracellularlyEXTRACELLULAR, situated or occurring outside a cell or the cells of the body
subduralsituated or occurring beneath the dura mater or between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane subdural space subdural hematomas