Small Old World mammal
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 39 answers to crossword clue "Small Old World mammal"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
GENETSmall Old World mammal.
LORISTailless Old World mammal
FRUITBATLarge Old World flying mammal
hedgehogA nocturnal insectivorous Old World mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for defense
DEMOISELLESmall Old World crane.
AGAMASmall Old World lizard
garganeysmall Old World duck, Anas querquedula
stonechatany of several small Old World birds, esp. of the genus Saxicola, as S. torquata
panchaxesany of various small brilliantly colored Old World killifishes (genus Aplocheilus) often kept in tropical aquariums
panchaxany of various small brilliantly colored Old World killifishes (genus Aplocheilus) often kept in tropical aquariums
sparrowsA small finchlike Old World bird related to the weaverbirds, typically with brown and gray plumage
ringdovesmall Old World dove, Streptopelia risoria, having a black half ring around the nape of the neck
genetany small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, esp. G. genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail
genetsany small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, esp. G. genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail
genettesany small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, esp. G. genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail
genetteany small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, esp. G. genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail
turtledoveA small Old World dove with a soft purring call, noted for the apparent affection shown for its mate
waxbillsA small, finchlike Old World songbird, typically brightly colored and with a red bill that resembles sealing wax in color
tamarisksAn Old World shrub or small tree with tiny scalelike leaves borne on slender branches, giving it a feathery appearance
waxbillA small, finchlike Old World songbird, typically brightly colored and with a red bill that resembles sealing wax in color
gypsophilaany of a large genus (Gypsophila) of Old World herbs of the pink family having small delicate usually paniculate flowers
tamariskAn Old World shrub or small tree with tiny scalelike leaves borne on slender branches, giving it a feathery appearance
mannikinA small waxbill of the Old World tropics, typically having brown, black, and white plumage and popular as a pet bird
coturnixany of several small Old World quails of the genus Coturnix, esp. C. japonica(Japanese quail), widely used as a laboratory animal
fumitoriesAn Old World plant with spikes of small tubular pink or white flowers and finely divided grayish leaves, often considered a weed
stonechatsA small Old World songbird of the thrush subfamily, having bold markings and a call that sounds like two stones being knocked together
demoiselleA small, graceful Old World crane with a black head and breast and white ear tufts, breeding in southeastern Europe and central Asia
demoisellesA small, graceful Old World crane with a black head and breast and white ear tufts, breeding in southeastern Europe and central Asia
hennaOld World tropical shrub or small tree (Lawsonia inermis) of the loosestrife family with small opposite leaves and panicles of fragrant usually white flowers
wheatearany of several small, chiefly Old World thrushes of the genus Oenanthe, having a distinctive white rump, esp. O. oenanthe, of Eurasia and North America
sunbirdsA small, brightly colored Old World songbird with a long down-curved bill, feeding on nectar and resembling a hummingbird (but not able to hover)
fantailany of various small birds having fanlike tails, as the Old World flycatchers of the genus Rhipidura and the American wood warblers of the genus Euthlypis
broadbillsA small bird of the Old World tropics, with a stocky body, a large head, a flattened bill with a wide gape, and typically very colorful plumage
chameleonsA small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change color
broadbillA small bird of the Old World tropics, with a stocky body, a large head, a flattened bill with a wide gape, and typically very colorful plumage
genetany of a genus (Genetta) of small Old World usually carnivorous viverrid mammals related to the civets and having retractile claws, spotted or striped fur, and a ringed tail
honeyguidesA small bird of the Old World tropics, typically having drab plumage and feeding chiefly on beeswax and bee grubs. Two African kinds attract humans and other mammals, esp. ratels, to bee nests
honeyguideA small bird of the Old World tropics, typically having drab plumage and feeding chiefly on beeswax and bee grubs. Two African kinds attract humans and other mammals, esp. ratels, to bee nests
witchweedA small parasitic plant that attaches itself to the roots of other plants. Native to the Old World tropics and southern Africa, it has been introduced into North America and can cause serious damage to crops such as corn and sugar