Sources of nutrition
Crossword Clue

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AnswerCrossword Clue
ALIMENTSSources of nutrition
TROPHICOf nutrition
UNFEDDeprived of nutrition
DIETETICSScience of nutrition
trophologythe study of nutrition
trophologiesTROPHOLOGY, the study of nutrition
mixotrophiccombining different modes of nutrition
trophesya state of deranged nutrition
trophicof or relating to nutrition.
AMINOKind of acids valuable in nutrition.
DIETITIANSpecialist in the study of nutrition
sitologythe science of nutrition and diet
nutritionsNUTRITION, the act of nourishing; food
trophesiesTROPHESY, a state of deranged nutrition
alimentaryof or relating to nourishment or nutrition
nutritiveof, pertaining to, or concerned with nutrition
sitologiesSITOLOGY, the science of nutrition and diet
dieteticthe science of nutrition and food preparation
nutritionista specialist in the study of nutrition
nutritionistsNUTRITIONIST, a specialist in the study of nutrition
agrobiologythe study of plant nutrition and soil yields
trophicof or pertaining to nutrition; concerned in nutritive processes
sitologythe branch of medicine dealing with nutrition and dietetics
innutritionlack of nutrition; the failure to give proper nourishment
agrobiologiesAGROBIOLOGY, the study of plant nutrition and soil yields
innutritionsINNUTRITION, lack of nutrition; the failure to give proper nourishment
agrobiologicalrelating to agrobiology, the study of plant nutrition and soil yields
nutritionThe branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans
neurotrophynutrition of the nervous system; the influence of the nervous system on nutrition
neurotrophiesNEUROTROPHY, nutrition of the nervous system; the influence of the nervous system on nutrition
trophoneurosisa state of deranged nutrition owing to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves
trophoneurosesTROPHONEUROSIS, a state of deranged nutrition owing to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves
neurotrophicrelating to the nutrition of the nervous system, or to nutritional changes influenced by the nervous system
dystrophyimpaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue also DYSTROPHIA
trophesialrelating to trophesy, a state of diseased nutrition due to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves
dystrophiaimpaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue also DYSTROPHY
dystrophiasDYSTROPHIA, impaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue also DYSTROPHY
dystrophiesDYSTROPHY, impaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue also DYSTROPHIA
lysinecrystalline, basic, amino acid, H2N(CH2)4CH(NH2)COOH, produced chiefly from many proteins by hydrolysis, essential in the nutrition of humans and animals. Symbol: K
lysinescrystalline, basic, amino acid, H2N(CH2)4CH(NH2)COOH, produced chiefly from many proteins by hydrolysis, essential in the nutrition of humans and animals. Symbol: K