Steep in a way
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 33 answers to crossword clue "Steep in a way"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
MARINATESteep in a way
funicularshort, very steep railway having two parallel sets of tracks, upon each of which runs a car or train raised or lowered by means of a cable that simultaneously lowers or raises the other car or train in such a way that the two are approximately counterbala
scramblingMake one's way quickly or awkwardly up a steep slope or over rough ground by using one's hands as well as one's feet
glissadesA way of sliding down a steep slope of snow or ice, typically on the feet with the support of an ice ax
MARINATESteep in a pickling solution
steepingSTEEP, to soak in a liquid
steepsSTEEP, to soak in a liquid
steepedSTEEP, to soak in a liquid
ESCARPSteep slope in front of a fortification
ensteepto steep (to soak in a liquid)
ensteepingENSTEEP, to steep (to soak in a liquid)
ensteepedENSTEEP, to steep (to soak in a liquid)
escarpmenta steep slope in front of a fortification
ensteepsENSTEEP, to steep (to soak in a liquid)
cliffyabounding in cliffs (a high, steep face of rock)
escarpmentsESCARPMENT, a steep slope in front of a fortification
cliffiestCLIFFY, abounding in cliffs (a high, steep face of rock)
dongas(in an ice shelf) a small ravine with steep sides
donga(in an ice shelf) a small ravine with steep sides
upsweptsweeping upward, as an increase in elevation or a steep slope
upsweepssweeping upward, as an increase in elevation or a steep slope
scarpingProvide (a ditch in a fortification) with a steep scarp and counterscarp
couloirsteep gorge or gully on the side of a mountain, esp. in the Alps
cascadeA small waterfall, typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope
cascadesA small waterfall, typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope
chandelleA steep climbing turn executed in an aircraft to gain height while changing the direction of flight
chandellesA steep climbing turn executed in an aircraft to gain height while changing the direction of flight
wingoversA maneuver in which an aircraft turns at the top of a steep climb and flies back along its original path
tailslidean aerobatic manoeuvre in which an aircraft that has been put into a steep climb stalls and loses height by slipping backwards
tailslidesTAILSLIDE, an aerobatic manoeuvre in which an aircraft that has been put into a steep climb stalls and loses height by slipping backwards
thermoclinesA steep temperature gradient in a body of water such as a lake, marked by a layer above and below which the water is at different temperatures
thermoclineA steep temperature gradient in a body of water such as a lake, marked by a layer above and below which the water is at different temperatures
wingoverairplane maneuver involving a steep, climbing turn to a near stall, then a sharp drop of the nose, a removal of bank, and a final leveling off in the opposite direction