Suit sizes for the tall
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 36 answers to crossword clue "Suit sizes for the tall"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
LONGSSuit sizes for the tall
XLSSizes for the hefty
TWOSSizes for the romper set.
LIEEntrance requirement for the Tall Story Club.
cogonstall, coarse grass, Imperata cylindrica, of the tropics and subtropics, used widely for thatching
cogontall, coarse grass, Imperata cylindrica, of the tropics and subtropics, used widely for thatching
hollyhockA tall Eurasian plant of the mallow family, widely cultivated for its large showy flowers
hollyhocksA tall Eurasian plant of the mallow family, widely cultivated for its large showy flowers
pilsenertall glass that is tapered to a short stem at the bottom, used esp. for beer
pilsnertall glass that is tapered to a short stem at the bottom, used esp. for beer
asparagusesA tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots
asparagusA tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots
pilsnerstall glass that is tapered to a short stem at the bottom, used esp. for beer
chiffonniersshallow, tall, open piece of furniture, of the 18th century, having shelves for the display of china
aqueductsAn artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge supported by tall columns across a valley
dipterocarpA tall forest tree from which are obtained resins and timber for the export trade, occurring mainly in Southeast Asia
ponderosaA tall slender pine tree, the most widespread conifer of western North America, planted for timber and as an ornamental
ponderosasA tall slender pine tree, the most widespread conifer of western North America, planted for timber and as an ornamental
aqueductAn artificial channel for conveying water, typically in the form of a bridge supported by tall columns across a valley
dipterocarpsA tall forest tree from which are obtained resins and timber for the export trade, occurring mainly in Southeast Asia
eremurusany of several hardy perennial herbs of the genus Eremurus, of the lily family, cultivated for their tall, colorful, bell-shaped flowers
eremuriany of several hardy perennial herbs of the genus Eremurus, of the lily family, cultivated for their tall, colorful, bell-shaped flowers
treehopperA tree-dwelling jumping bug that lives chiefly in the tropics. A tall backward-curving projection of the thorax gives the bug a thornlike appearance for camouflage
quinoastall crop plant, Chenopodium quinoa, of the goosefoot family, cultivated in Peru and Chile for its small, ivory-colored seed, which is used as a food staple
quinoatall crop plant, Chenopodium quinoa, of the goosefoot family, cultivated in Peru and Chile for its small, ivory-colored seed, which is used as a food staple
treehoppersA tree-dwelling jumping bug that lives chiefly in the tropics. A tall backward-curving projection of the thorax gives the bug a thornlike appearance for camouflage
cedaryany of a genus (Cedrus) of usually tall coniferous trees (as the cedar of Lebanon or the deodar) of the pine family noted for their fragrant durable wood
sunnstall East Indian shrub, Crotalaria juncea, of the legume family, having slender branches and yellow flowers, and an inner bark that yields a hemplike fiber used for making ropes, sacking, etc.
sunntall East Indian shrub, Crotalaria juncea, of the legume family, having slender branches and yellow flowers, and an inner bark that yields a hemplike fiber used for making ropes, sacking, etc.
sunflowersA tall North American plant of the daisy family, with very large golden-rayed flowers. Sunflowers are cultivated for their edible seeds, which are an important source of oil for cooking and margarine
sunflowerA tall North American plant of the daisy family, with very large golden-rayed flowers. Sunflowers are cultivated for their edible seeds, which are an important source of oil for cooking and margarine
deerhoundone of a Scottish breed of large, tall hunting dogs having a medium-length, wiry, gray or reddish-fawn coat, originally developed for hunting and bringing down deer, and known as the royal dog of Scotland
bullrushesA tall rushlike water plant of the sedge family. Native to temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, it has been widely used for weaving and is grown as an aid to water purification in some areas
bulrushesA tall rushlike water plant of the sedge family. Native to temperate regions of the northern hemisphere, it has been widely used for weaving and is grown as an aid to water purification in some areas
bluestema tall North American grass (Andropogon gerardii syn. A. furcatus) that has smooth bluish leaf sheaths and slender spikes borne in pairs or clusters, is a dominant grass of the originally tallgrass prairies, and is used for hay and forage called also big bluestem compare sand bluestem
talipotsA tall Indian palm with very large fan-shaped leaves that are used as sunshades and for thatching, and to make the material upon which books were traditionally written. When the talipot matures, at about 40û60 years, it sends up a 25-foot (8-m) stalk bearing millions of flowers, and subsequently the tree dies