United with
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "United with"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
WEDDEDTOUnited with
WEDTOUnited with
ATONEUnited (with)
TEAMEDUnited, with "up"
TEAMEDUnited (with "up")
WELDEDUnited with a blowtorch
TOBAGOIsland united with Trinidad
gamosepalouswith sepals partly united
gamophyllouswith perianth leaves united
OCTMo. with United Nations Day
TOBAGOIsland united politically with Trinidad
LONDONGAZETTELongtime United Kingdom newspaper (with "The")
ARAGONRegion united with Castile to form Spain
TEFLONDONJohn Gotti's nickname, with "the" [United Kingdom]
usUnited States highway (used with a number)
EMBLEMGlobe with olive branches, for the United Nations
synsepalousanother word for gamosepalous, with sepals partly united
amidocontaining an amide united with an acid radical
OMANCountry with an exclave surrounded by the United Arab Emirates
iminecompound containing the =NH group united with a nonacid group
iminescompound containing the =NH group united with a nonacid group
SYRCountry once joined with Egypt as the United Arab Republic: Abbr.
TWOPARTYSYSTEMIn the United States, it began with the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists
ethoxyrelating to or containing the monovalent radical CH3CH2O- composed of ethyl united with oxygen
sourwooda small United States tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) of the heath family with white flowers and sour-tasting leaves
insInternational News Service, a news-gathering agency: merged in 1958 with United Press to form United Press International
yauponsa holly (Ilex vomitoria) of the southeastern United States that has smooth elliptical leaves with emetic and purgative properties
hypanthiumA cuplike or tubular enlargement of the receptacle of a flower, loosely surrounding the gynoecium or united with it
hypanthiaA cuplike or tubular enlargement of the receptacle of a flower, loosely surrounding the gynoecium or united with it
senateslegislative body, esp. (with initial capital letter) the upper house of the legislatures of the United States, Canada, etc.
senatelegislative body, esp. (with initial capital letter) the upper house of the legislatures of the United States, Canada, etc.
caryopsisA dry one-seeded fruit in which the ovary wall is united with the seed coat, typical of grasses and cereals
caryopsesA dry one-seeded fruit in which the ovary wall is united with the seed coat, typical of grasses and cereals
sycomorevery large spreading tree (Platanus occidentalis) chiefly of the eastern and central United States with 3- to 5-lobed broadly ovate leaves
huisachea widely cultivated thorny shrubby acacia (Acacia farnesiana) of the southern United States and tropical America with fragrant ball-shaped yellow flowers
peyotesmall low spineless cactus (Lophophora williamsii) of the southwestern United States and Mexico having rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles called also mescal
peyotlsmall low spineless cactus (Lophophora williamsii) of the southwestern United States and Mexico having rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles called also mescal
pickerelweeda shallow-water perennial plant chiefly of the eastern United States and Canada with large leaves and a spike of purplish-blue flowers
peyotlssmall low spineless cactus (Lophophora williamsii) of the southwestern United States and Mexico having rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles called also mescal
leatherwooda small shrub with white, soft wood, and a tough, leathery bark, common in damp woods in the Northern United States, aka wicopy