Worker with a light and a pick
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Worker with a light and a pick"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
MINERWorker with a light and a pick
DITCHDIGGERWorker with pick and shovel
MINERWorker with a pick
TINSMITHWorker with light metal
zithera stringed instrument having usually 30 to 40 strings over a shallow horizontal soundboard and played with pick and fingers
paddleballA game played with a light ball and wooden bat in a four-walled handball court
backed(of a film or plate) coated with a substance for absorbing light and thereby reducing halation
windowopening in a building, vehicle, etc., for air and light, usu. fitted with glass in a frame
batfowlto catch birds at night by dazzling them with a light and then capturing them in a net
batfowlsto catch birds at night by dazzling them with a light and then capturing them in a net
cabrioleta light 2-wheeled one-horse carriage with a folding leather hood, a large apron, and upward-curving shafts
seersucker(Persian) a light, thin fabric, such as cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern
seersuckersSEERSUCKER, (Persian) a light, thin fabric, such as cotton or rayon, with a crinkled surface and a usually striped pattern
twinkled(of a star or light, or a shiny object) Shine with a gleam that varies repeatedly between bright and faint
victorialow, light, four-wheeled carriage with a calash top, a seat for two passengers, and a perch for the driver
victoriasA light four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with a collapsible hood, seats for two passengers, and an elevated driver's seat in front
champignonA small edible mushroom with a light brown cap, growing in short grass in both Eurasia and North America and widely grown commercially
champignonsA small edible mushroom with a light brown cap, growing in short grass in both Eurasia and North America and widely grown commercially
snaggletoothA small deep-sea fish with large fangs at the front of the jaws and a number of light organs on the body
ergosterolA compound present in ergot and many other fungi. A steroid alcohol, it is converted to vitamin D2 when irradiated with ultraviolet light
crullerrich, light cake cut from a rolled dough and deep-fried, usually having a twisted oblong shape and sometimes topped with sugar or icing
krullersrich, light cake cut from a rolled dough and deep-fried, usually having a twisted oblong shape and sometimes topped with sugar or icing
scootersA light two-wheeled open motor vehicle on which the driver sits over an enclosed engine with legs together and feet resting on a floorboard
mahlstickA light stick with a padded leather ball at one end, held against work by a painter or signwriter to support and steady the brush hand
mahlsticksA light stick with a padded leather ball at one end, held against work by a painter or signwriter to support and steady the brush hand
maulsticksA light stick with a padded leather ball at one end, held against work by a painter or signwriter to support and steady the brush hand
dogcartslight, two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle for ordinary driving, with two transverse seats back to back, and originally having a box under the rear seat for carrying a dog
dogcartlight, two-wheeled, horse-drawn vehicle for ordinary driving, with two transverse seats back to back, and originally having a box under the rear seat for carrying a dog
oryxany of a small genus (Oryx) of large heavily built African and Arabian antelopes that have a light-colored coat with dark conspicuous markings especially on the face compare gemsbok
pressboardA hard, dense kind of board with a smooth finish, typically made from wood or textile pulp or laminated wastepaper, and used as an electrical insulator and for making light furniture
nautilusesA cephalopod mollusk with a light external spiral shell and numerous short tentacles around the mouth. Nautiluses swim with the buoyant gas-filled shell upright and descend to greater depths during the day
prismsA glass or other transparent object in this form, esp. one that is triangular with refracting surfaces at an acute angle with each other and that separates white light into a spectrum of colors
multigradea brand of black and white photographic paper coated with a mixture of emulsions which are sensitive to the colour of the printing light used and which produce different contrast grades as a result
impressionismA style or movement in painting originating in France in the 1860s, characterized by a concern with depicting the visual impression of the moment, esp. in terms of the shifting effect of light and color
chuckwallasA large dark-bodied lizard, the male of which has a light yellow tail, native to the deserts of the southwestern US and Mexico. When threatened, it inflates itself with air to wedge itself into a crevice
chuckwallaA large dark-bodied lizard, the male of which has a light yellow tail, native to the deserts of the southwestern US and Mexico. When threatened, it inflates itself with air to wedge itself into a crevice
shojislight screen consisting of a framework of wood covered with paper or other translucent material, used originally in Japanese homes as one of a series of sliding panels between the interior and exterior or between two interior spaces
shojilight screen consisting of a framework of wood covered with paper or other translucent material, used originally in Japanese homes as one of a series of sliding panels between the interior and exterior or between two interior spaces
lampsA device for giving light, either one consisting of an electric bulb together with its holder and shade or cover, or one burning gas or a liquid fuel and consisting of a wick or mantle and a glass shade
noogieslight blow or jab, usually to a person's head, back, or upper arm and accompanied by a twisting motion, with the extended knuckle of the curled-up second or third finger: done as a gesture of affection or painfully as a prank