Answer: acned

AnswerCrossword Clue
ACNEDNot clear, in a way
acnedskin disorder characterized by pimples
acnedhaving acne (a skin disease)
ACNEDHaving bad marks?
ACNEDAdolescently afflicted
ACNEDHaving a spotty situation to face?
ACNEDHaving bad marks
ACNEDBenefiting from benzoyl peroxide
ACNEDBlemished, in a way
ACNEDPussy galore?
ACNEDTeens' state
ACNEDCovered with spots, in a way
ACNEDAfflicted with pimples
ACNEDUnfortunately spotted
ACNEDA bit spotty?
ACNEDRed in the face?
ACNEDBroken out in blemishes
ACNEDBroken out, in a way
ACNEDNeeding Clearasil