Answer: adenoid

AnswerCrossword Clue
adenoidglandular tissue at the back of the nose
adenoidenlarged mass of lymphoid tissue in the upper pharynx, often obstructing breathing through the nasal passages
adenoidof or pertaining to the lymph glands
adenoidof or pertaining to the adenoids
ADENOIDBreathing impediment
ADENOIDMass near a tonsil
ADENOIDMass in the throat
ADENOIDLymphoid mass in the throat
ADENOIDIt's near a tonsil
ADENOIDLymphoid throat mass
ADENOIDOf the lymph glands
ADENOIDThroat tissue
ADENOIDIt's above the tonsil
ADENOIDTonsil's neighbor
ADENOIDOf lymph glands
ADENOIDPharyngeal mass
ADENOIDBreathing obstruction, sometimes
ADENOIDNasal in tone
ADENOIDBreathing obstruction
ADENOIDTonsil's relative.
ADENOIDUpper pharynx tissue.
ADENOIDLike a gland.
ADENOIDTonsil neighbor
ADENOIDThroat thing, behind the nose
ADENOIDUvula neighbor