Answer: adsorb

AnswerCrossword Clue
ADSORBGather in a thin layer of molecules
ADSORBGather on a surface
ADSORBCondense, in a way
ADSORBCollect liquid in condensed form
ADSORBWhat charcoal does
ADSORBCollect in condensed form
ADSORBCollect condensed gas on a surface
ADSORBCollect in condensed form, as gases
ADSORBCollect on a surface, as a gas
ADSORBCondense on a surface.
ADSORBAct on like a carbon filter
ADSORBGather in a condensed layer
ADSORBAccumulate, chemically
ADSORBAccumulate gases on the surface
ADSORBStick to a surface
adsorbto gather (a gas, liquid, or dissolved substance) on a surface in a condensed layer
adsorbto gather and hold another substance on the surface, compare ABSORB, SORB, DESORB
ADSORBGather on a surface, in chemistry
ADSORBAccumulate on a surface
ADSORBCondense on the surface
ADSORBCondense on a surface
ADSORBHold on the surface, in chemistry
ADSORBAct like activated charcoal or silica gel
ADSORBGather on the surface, chemically
ADSORBCondense on a surface, chemically
ADSORBCollect on a surface
ADSORBTo hold, chemically
ADSORBAccumulate on a surface, as a dissolved substance
ADSORBGather on a surface, chemically
ADSORBCondense and hold by surface adhesion.
ADSORBCondense and adhere.
ADSORBDraw in and hold condensed gas, in chemistry.
ADSORBCondense and hold, in chemistry.
ADSORBHold condensed matter on a surface.