Answer: affairs

AnswerCrossword Clue
affairsMatters of public interest and importance
affairsAFFAIR, something which is to be done
affairsA matter that is a particular person's concern or responsibility
affairsBusiness and financial dealings
affairsAn event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to
affairsA love affair
affairsAn object of a particular type
AFFAIRSStaples of soap operas
AFFAIRSForeign ... (international matters)
AFFAIRSSome are of the heart
AFFAIRSSome are "of the heart"
AFFAIRSBallads might be written about these
AFFAIRSBureau of Indian --
AFFAIRSThey may be current or foreign
AFFAIRSTabloid fodder
AFFAIRSPhilanderer's foibles
AFFAIRSMatters of business.
AFFAIRSPotential relationship ruiners
AFFAIRSBig bashes
AFFAIRSRomantic involvements
AFFAIRSCatered gatherings
AFFAIRSBusiness matters
AFFAIRSThings to get in order
AFFAIRSPersonal business