Answer: agelimit

AnswerCrossword Clue

Little League rules item


Competition restriction, perhaps


Minor issue?

Little League membership restriction
Bar bar
AGELIMITBar floor?
AGELIMITBar restriction
AGELIMITEntry level?
AGELIMITLittle League rule
AGELIMITNational Spelling Bee clause
AGELIMITBarrier against extreme youth or advanced years.
AGELIMITFor Wacs, it is 34.
AGELIMITProvision of the Selective Service Act.
AGELIMITBars have one
AGELIMITA casino may have one
AGELIMITAn Easter egg hunt may have one
AGELIMITLittle League issue
AGELIMITRestriction on children, maybe
AGELIMITClub restriction
AGELIMITProvision for holding certain jobs
AGELIMIT19, for N.B.A. players
AGELIMITWhat some amusement park rides have
AGELIMIT21, at a casino, say
AGELIMITPart of a bar code?
AGELIMIT17-24, for Miss America
AGELIMITRestriction on Army enlistees