Answer: agouti

AnswerCrossword Clue
AGOUTIRabbitlike rodent of S.A.
AGOUTIRodent that menaces sugar cane
AGOUTICousin of a guinea pig
AGOUTIRodent that makes an affectionate pet
AGOUTIRabbit-sized rodent
AGOUTIRabbit's tropical lookalike
AGOUTIRelative of a guinea pig
AGOUTICousin of the paca
AGOUTIRodent destructive to sugar cane
AGOUTIBurrowing rodent
AGOUTISouth-of-the-border rodent
AGOUTIGuinea pig cousin
AGOUTIRodent that's into sugar cane
AGOUTIRabbitlike S.A. rodent
AGOUTILarge South American rodent
AGOUTISmall hoofed creature
AGOUTIRabbit-sized rodent found in rainforests
AGOUTIGuinea pig kin
AGOUTICentral American rodent that resembles a guinea pig
AGOUTIGuinea pig relative
agoutigrizzled color of fur resulting from the barring of each hair in several alternate dark and light bands
agoutiirregularly barred pattern of the fur of certain rodents
agoutia burrowing rodent, also ACOUCHI, ACOUCHY, AGOUTY, AGUTI
agoutiany of several short-haired, short-eared, rabbitlike rodents of the genus Dasyprocta, of South and Central America and the West Indies, destructive to sugar cane
agoutiany of a genus (Dasyprocta) of tropical American rodents about the size of a rabbit
agoutianimal having fur of this pattern
AGOUTIRelative of the guinea pig.
AGOUTIGuinea-pig kin
AGOUTIGuinea pig's kin
AGOUTIRabbitlike rodent
AGOUTITropical rodent
AGOUTIShort-eared rodent
AGOUTIRainforest rodent
AGOUTIRabbitlike rodent of Latin America
AGOUTISouth American rodent.
AGOUTIRabbit-sized tropic rodent.
AGOUTIPaca-like rodent.
AGOUTIGuinea-piglike rodent of South America.
AGOUTIRabbit-sized rodent.