Answer: alarmist

AnswerCrossword Clue
ALARMISTOne who cries wolf
alarmistthe often unwarranted exciting of fears or warning of danger
alarmistone who alarms others needlessly
ALARMISTOverreacting sort
ALARMISTCrier of "Wolf!"
ALARMISTHenny Penny, e.g.
ALARMISTHe cries wolf
ALARMIST"Wolf!" crier
ALARMISTPanic-button pusher
ALARMISTFear spreader
ALARMISTChicken Little, e.g.
ALARMISTCousin of a crapehanger.
ALARMISTOne who cries wolf.
ALARMISTOne easily frightened.
ALARMISTHe expects the worst.
ALARMISTAnxious one
ALARMISTChicken Little, notably
ALARMIST"The sky is falling!" crier, for one
ALARMISTChicken Little, for one