Answer: alligator

AnswerCrossword Clue
ALLIGATOREverglades denizen.
alligatora reptile of a mainly American family related to the crocodile but with a shorter, broader snout and non-protruding teeth
alligatorA large semiaquatic reptile similar to a crocodile but with a broader and shorter head, native to the Americas and China
alligatorThe skin of the alligator or material resembling it
ALLIGATORPricey belt material
ALLIGATOR... pear (avocado)
ALLIGATOR"The ... People," 1959 movie
ALLIGATORKind of pear
ALLIGATORShoe leather.
ALLIGATORCrack, as old paint
ALLIGATORLeather for handbags.
ALLIGATORArmed amphibious U. S. landing barge.
ALLIGATOREverglades beast
ALLIGATOREverglades denizen
ALLIGATORPogo's pal Albert, for one
ALLIGATORKind of clip or pear
ALLIGATORBag material