Answer: amnot

AnswerCrossword Clue

"I .. an animal!" (John Merrick)


"I ... a crook"


Denial without a subject?

Playground retort
"Are too!" response
AMNOTPlayground denial
AMNOTPlayground comeback
AMNOTResponse to "Are too!"
AMNOTResponse to "Are so!"
AMNOTPart of a playground back-and-forth
AMNOTChildish retort
AMNOT"I .... a crook"
AMNOT"Are too!" reply
AMNOT"Are so!" response
AMNOT"Are so!" retort
AMNOT"Are so!" elicitor
AMNOT"I ... of this world."
AMNOTChildish words of denial
AMNOTReply to "Are too!"
AMNOTComeback to "Are too!"
AMNOTAnswer to "Are too!"
AMNOTDefensive comeback
AMNOT"I ... amused!"
AMNOTCry preceding "Are too!"
AMNOT"You know nothing about me"
AMNOT"Are too" response
AMNOT"Are too!" comeback
AMNOTChildish comeback
AMNOTReply to "Are so!"
AMNOTHalf a playground argument
AMNOTJuvenile retort