Answer: angles

AnswerCrossword Clue
ANGLESJournalists' quests
ANGLESGermanic tribesmen.
ANGLESRight and obtuse
ANGLESCorners have these
ANGLESEmulates Izaak Walton
ANGLESAspects of problems
ANGLESSome are right
ANGLESProtractor measurements
ANGLESWhat intersecting lines create
ANGLESThey're sometimes right, but never wrong
ANGLESJournalistic viewpoints
ANGLESSome are obtuse
ANGLESSquare corners
ANGLESEarly Britishers.
ANGLESCamera positions
ANGLESCon-artist's stock in trade
ANGLESSaxons' partners
ANGLESPool table computations
ANGLESGeometry measures
ANGLESPhotographers' considerations
ANGLESDrops a line
anglesto write from a certain viewpoint
anglespoint of view
anglesto fish with a hook on a line
anglesANGLE, to fish (to try to catch cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates)
anglesto try for something by artful means
anglesthe space between converging lines or surfaces
anglesmember of a West Germanic people that migrated from Sleswick to Britain in the 5th century a.d. and founded the kingdoms of East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria. As early as the 6th century their name was extended to all the Germanic inhabitants of Britai
anglesto move or bend at an angle
ANGLESA square has four
ANGLESThey might be right
ANGLESSaxons' allies
ANGLESGoes fishing
ANGLESReporters' slants
ANGLESThey may be right