Answer: arabiansea

AnswerCrossword Clue
ARABIANSEAIndian Ocean arm
ARABIANSEAOutlet for the Persian Gulf
ARABIANSEAGwadar Bay is an inlet of it
ARABIANSEAView from Bombay
ARABIANSEAView from Mumbai
ARABIANSEAPart of the Indian Ocean.
ARABIANSEAIndian Ocean arm.
ARABIANSEABombay's waterfront.
ARABIANSEAKarachi's waterfront.
ARABIANSEAArm of Indian Ocean
ARABIANSEAIndian Ocean part
ARABIANSEAOutlet for the Indus
ARABIANSEAIndus outlet
ARABIANSEAIt's east of the Horn of Africa
ARABIANSEALocale for much of the world's oil shipping