Answer: arial

AnswerCrossword Clue

Helvetica relative


Common computer typeface


Helvetica look-alike

Sans serif typeface
Standard Windows typeface
ARIALCommon typeface
ARIALSans serif font
ARIALTypeface type
ARIALSerif-free font
ARIALHelvetica alternative
ARIALPlain font choice
ARIALCommon font
ARIALBuilt-in Windows typeface
ARIALCommon computer font
ARIALPopular font
ARIALTypeface choice
ARIALCommon font variety
ARIALPC typeface
ARIALPopular computer typeface
ARIALFrequently used font
ARIALPopular typeface
ARIALKin of Helvetica
ARIALCommon default font
ARIALCourier alternative
ARIALComputer typeface
ARIALFont choice
ARIALComputer font
ARIALComputer-screen font
ARIALBold choice
ARIALStandard Windows font
ARIALTimes New Roman alternative
ARIALPopular sans-serif Windows font
ARIALPopular font type
ARIALTypeface akin to Helvetica
ARIALSans-serif typeface
ARIALPopular type option
ARIALAlternative to Geneva
ARIALFont akin to Helvetica
ARIALPlain font
ARIALPopular sans-serif choice