Answer: atomizes

AnswerCrossword Clue
atomizesto split into many sections, groups, factions, etc.; fragmentize
atomizesto reduce to atoms
atomizesdeprive of meaningful ties to others atomized individuals
atomizessubject to attack by nuclear weapons
atomizesreduce to minute particles or to a fine spray
atomizesvide fragment an atomized society
atomizesto reduce to fine particles or spray
atomizesATOMIZE, to reduce to a fine spray, also ATOMISE
atomizesto treat as made up of many discrete units
atomizesto destroy (a target) by bombing, esp. with an atomic bomb
ATOMIZESReduces to smithereens
ATOMIZESReduces to mist
ATOMIZESReduces to bits
ATOMIZESSmashes to smithereens
ATOMIZESBlows to smithereens
ATOMIZESReduces Ma to size