Answer: aural

AnswerCrossword Clue
AURALLike one of the senses
AURALOf a sense
AURALHeard only
AURALKind of training done by music majors
AURALLike some stimuli
AURALLike something you've heard?
AURALNot visual
AURALLike some physical tests
AURALLike otologists' tests
AURALNeither optic, tactile, visual, nor gustatory
AURALHeard, but not seen
AURALBy radio, e.g.
AURALOf the ears
AURALPerceived by ear
AURALOf one of the senses
AURALOf the air
AURALOf the air or ear
AURALEar related
auralof or relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing
auralof or by hearing
auralpertaining to the ear
AURALLike an otologist's exam
AURALKind of medical exam
AURALLike some music-school quizzes
AURALPertaining to the sense of hearing
AURALOf the ear or air
AURALReceived through the ear
AURALInvolving one of the senses
AURALFor listeners only
AURALThrough the ears
AURALPerceived by the ear
AURALLike an otological test
AURALRelated to hearing