Answer: aurorae

AnswerCrossword Clue
AURORAENighttime phenomena
auroraeAURORA, the dawn
auroraeradiant emission from the upper atmosphere that occurs sporadically over the middle and high latitudes of both hemispheres in the form of luminous bands, streamers, or the like
auroraefemale given name
auroraethe ancient Roman goddess of the dawn
AURORAEColorful atmospheric displays
AURORAENorthern lights
AURORAEBorealis and australis
AURORAESky lights
AURORAEArctic lights
AURORAENight sky marvels
AURORAENight lights
AURORAEAtmospheric phenomena
AURORAENight sky lights
AURORAEBrilliant celestial displays
AURORAEPolar lights