Answer: azoic

AnswerCrossword Clue
AZOICWithout life
azoic(formerly) noting or pertaining to the Precambrian Era, esp. that part formerly believed to precede the first appearance of life; Archean
azoichaving no living beings
azoicof, pertaining to, or characteristic of the azo group
azoicwithout life
azoicor relating to the part of geologic time that antedates life compare archean 1
AZOICLifeless geological period
AZOICBefore the appearance of life, in geology
AZOICBefore the appearance of life
AZOICPre-life geologic age, formerly
AZOICGeologic time before life
AZOICFirst age in geologic history
AZOICKind of dye
AZOICWithout life.
AZOICGeologic age meaning "without life"
AZOIC.. Era: old name for Earth's pre-life period