Answer: barbershop

AnswerCrossword Clue
BARBERSHOPGolfer Miller's dance is held in shaver's place?
barbershopa type of music originating in the US, played, or esp sung, in close chromatic harmony
barbershopA shop where a barber works
barbershopA popular style of close harmony singing, typically for four male voices
BARBERSHOPA cappella genre
BARBERSHOPPlace to have locks changed
BARBERSHOPPlace to have one's head examined
BARBERSHOPDance for tonsorial artists?
BARBERSHOPTonsorial dance?
BARBERSHOPWhere longhair Samuel composed?
BARBERSHOPKind of quartet
BARBERSHOPKind of close harmony.
BARBERSHOPType of good old harmony.
BARBERSHOPSportscaster Red's short leap?
BARBERSHOPWhere to find a short cut?
BARBERSHOPBusiness that cuts locks