Answer: basset

AnswerCrossword Clue
BASSETLong-eared dog
BASSETOutcrop, in mining
BASSETMusical hound?
BASSETCertain hound
BASSETHunting dog
BASSETHunting hound
BASSETHorn or hound type
BASSETDroopy-eared canine
BASSETKind of hound
BASSETHound or horn
BASSET..... hound
BASSETRabbit-hunting hound
BASSETA.K.C. hound
BASSETVariety of hound
BASSETLow hound dog
BASSETHunter's companion
BASSETDog breed
BASSETBig-eared dog
BASSETDroopy eared hound
basset18th-century card game similar to faro
bassetto outcrop (geog), also BASSETT
bassetoutcrop, as of the edges of strata
bassetone of a breed of hounds having short legs, long body and ears, and usually a black, tan, and white coat
bassetto crop out
BASSETHound variety
BASSET... hound
BASSETHush Puppies mascot
BASSETPopular dog.
BASSETLowdown hound
BASSETDog breed whose name literally means "rather low"
BASSETIt has short legs and a long body
BASSETLong-eared pet
BASSETBig-eared pet
BASSETMulticolored dog
BASSETFlop-eared one
BASSETLong-eared breed
BASSETLow-slung hound
BASSETShort-legged beast
BASSETLong-eared hound