Answer: belugas

AnswerCrossword Clue
BELUGASSource of fine caviar
BELUGASSturgeon yielding expensive caviar
BELUGASCaviar fish
BELUGASSmall whales
BELUGASWhite whales.
BELUGASCaviar sources
BELUGASWhite whales
BELUGASCaviar fishes
BELUGASEurasian sturgeons
belugasBELUGA, the white whale
belugascetacean, Delphinapterus leucas, of northern seas, that has a rounded head and is white when adult
belugaswhite sturgeon, Huso huso, of the Black and Caspian seas, valued as a source of caviar and isinglass